

From chintheche here is Sarhenriq the most hot artist in the Game

Introducing a new artist From chintheche here is Sarhenriq a very talented Rap artist birth name Henriq Band Grew up in Mzuzu city started his music career in 2016,

 in an interview we had with him he said he grew up listening to Rap music and he had a friend together they loved listen music almost everyday.

Iam an artist I can't compare myself or grade myself to other artists levels. It's the message you potray in your lyrics that makes you stand tall above the rest. So i don't compare myself with others cause we bring different messages through our music said Sarhenriq in an interview we had with him, Sarhenriq also said he intend to change the Game using his lyrics as an instrument of change.

In his last words he said he will be working on a mixtape starting next month so his fans should expect more good music coming your way and his advice to the nation is in life everything goes well if God is first, so to everyone I say put God first and trust in him cause his blessings are endless on us.